Homeowners Insurance

Helping You Stay Informed - Insurance Simplified.

Recently we had a customer call in a panic because a hot water valve in the kitchen broke off.  Hot water was literally spraying across the kitchen in gallons and flooding out the kitchen and dining room while we were on the phone.  The customer was uncertain what to do...

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Today we’re going to share with you a little know home insurance rule that could cost you thousands of dollars out of pocket if you need to file a home insurance claim and this rule applies - it’s called the 80% rule. Home insurance on a primary residence in Florida...

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The short answer is a frame construction home will typically be more expensive to insure when compared to a masonry construction home.  There are three main reasons why this is the case: Masonry construction homes are considered less combustible than frame construction home Masonry construction homes are less prone to...

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A question we recently received was this “If I wreck a rented golf cart at a golf course, will my home insurance or auto insurance cover it?” And the answer is……most likely your home insurance. Let’s take a minute to explain how this works.  Most home insurance policies in Florida...

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